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The silk

1 - Wash the silk

Silk is a very delicate material, which becomes even more fragile when wet. This is why we recommend washing by hand, in cold water with a mild soap , without rubbing your garment too much or letting it soak.

If you opt for machine washing, choose a special program for delicate fabrics and at low temperatures. If in doubt, prefer dry cleaning to pressing.

2 - Dry the silk

After washing, air drying your garment is the preferred option. Be careful not to twist your piece to wring it out, but rather wrap it gently in a towel and press lightly to remove excess water.

Then hang your silk piece on a hanger and make sure you don't expose it to direct sunlight , to avoid fading.

3 - Iron the silk

We advise you to iron your garment while still damp , on the inside out to keep its shine and to set your iron to low temperature .


La Maille

1 - Laver la maille

Nous vous conseillons le lavage à la main pour l’entretien de vos pièces en maille. Veillez à laver votre vêtement à l’eau froide ou tiède (pas plus de 20°) et à utiliser une lessive liquide très douce. Attention à ne pas tirer sur la maille et à ne pas la laisser tremper pour ne pas risquer de la déformer. Rincez-le délicatement, toujours en évitant de le tordre.

Si vous préférez l’option du lavage en machine, choisissez le programme laine à froid et utilisez une lessive liquide spéciale laine.

2 - Sécher la maille

Pour sécher la maille, nous vous recommandons de le faire bien à plat, sur une serviette ou une surface plane. Ne faites pas sécher votre maille sur un cintre si elle est mouillée, vous risqueriez de la détendre.

3 - Repasser la maille

Nous vous recommandons de ne pas repasser votre maille, si elle a été séchée correctement, ce ne sera pas nécessaire. Le cas échéant, préférez un repassage très doux sur l’envers en prenant soin de ne pas appuyer trop fort pour ne pas écraser la maille.

Veillez à e ranger bien à plat votre maille une fois sèche. L’accrocher sur un cintre risquerait de déformer votre vêtement.


The Mesh

1 - Wash the mesh

We recommend hand washing for the maintenance of your mesh pieces. Be sure to wash your garment in cold or lukewarm water (no more than 20°) and to use a very mild liquid detergent. Be careful not to pull on the mesh and not to let it soak so as not to risk deforming it. Rinse it gently, always avoiding twisting it.

If you prefer the machine wash option, choose the cold wool program and use a special wool liquid detergent.

2 - Dry the mesh

To dry the mesh, we recommend that you do it flat , on a towel or on a flat surface. Do not dry your mesh on a hanger if it is wet, you risk relaxing it.

3 - Iron the stitch

We recommend that you do not iron your knit , if it has been dried properly this will not be necessary. If necessary, iron very gently on the reverse , taking care not to press too hard so as not to crush the knit.

Be sure to store your knit flat when dry. Hanging it on a hanger could deform your garment.


The leather

1 - Wash the leather

To clean your leather clothes, we simply recommend that you use a clay stone with a clean cloth or a gentle cleansing milk to apply to a cotton pad and then spread in small circular movements on the garment.

We strongly advise against washing your leather garment in the washing machine, as this could damage it.

2 - Dry the leather

If your leather piece has been wet, we recommend that you leave it to dry in the open air , away from the sun so as not to damage it.

3 - Iron the leather

Leather is a living material that hates water. We therefore advise you to switch off the steam function of your iron. Place a cloth between the iron and your leather garment to avoid direct contact with the heat and set your iron to a low temperature.

To smooth leather, you can also hang it on a hanger in your bathroom : controlled exposure to steam will soften the leather and allow smooth smoothing.


Le Lin

1 - Laver le lin

Pour nettoyer votre pièce en lin en machine, nous vous conseillons de ne pas dépasser les 40°C afin de ne pas l’abîmer. Evitez les lessives à base de chlore qui auront tendance à jaunir et abîmer la fibre.

Si vous souhaitez déjaunir un lin blanc, vous pouvez, de manière ponctuelle, utilisez du vinaigre blanc qui agira comme un nettoyant adoucissant.

2 - Sécher le lin

Pour sécher le lin, nous vous conseillons de l’étendre sur un cintre et de le laisser sécher à l’air libre. Votre vêtement n’en sera que plus beau et moins froissé !

Si vous optez pour un séchage en machine, limitez à 600 tours maximum pour réduire le frottement de votre vêtement contre le tambour et toute trace de brisure.

3 - Repasser le lin

Nous vous conseillons de repasser votre vêtement encore humide, sur l’envers pour éviter les plis et de régler votre fer à repasser à haute température (200°C).

Pour défroisser votre pièce en lin, vous pouvez utiliser de l’amidon.



1 - Wash the linen

To clean your linen piece in the washing machine, we advise you not to exceed 40°C in order not to damage it. Avoid chlorine-based detergents which will tend to yellow and damage the fiber.

If you want to de-yellow a white linen, you can occasionally use white vinegar which will act as a softening cleanser.

2 - Dry the linen

To dry linen, we advise you to hang it on a hanger and let it air dry. Your garment will be even more beautiful and less wrinkled!

If you opt for machine drying, limit it to 600 maximum rotations to reduce the friction of your garment against the drum and any trace of breakage.

3 - Iron the linen

We advise you to iron your garment while still damp, inside out to avoid creases and to set your iron to high temperature (200°C).

To smooth out your linen piece, you can use starch.



1 - Wash the cashmere

Cashmere is a noble and delicate material that loves water. This is why we advise you to wash your cashmere regularly (after 2 or 3 uses).

Cashmere is totally machine washable. However, be sure to choose the cold wool program and use a special wool liquid detergent.

We advise you not to use a fabric softener that cashmere doesn't like. You can also opt for hand washing. Be sure to wash your garment in cold water and use a very mild liquid detergent. Knead your garment for a few minutes, avoiding twisting it.

2 - Dry the cashmere

We advise you to dry your cashmere flat in order to keep its shape and avoid sunlight in order not to alter its color.

If you opt for machine drying, be sure not to exceed 500 rotations per minute for the spin cycle.

3 - Iron the cashmere

We recommend that you iron your cashmere piece once dry , inside out and at medium temperature (wool programme). Cashmere should always be ironed clean.

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