Game Rules
The Great Devernois Christmas!
1. General
SOFRADE SA (hereinafter the “organizing company”) registered in the trade and companies register under number: 321736324, whose head office is located at 13 Boulevard des Étines 42120 LE COTEAU, is organizing a competition from December 2 to 29, 2024 entitled: “COMPETITION - LE GRAND NOËL DEVERNOIS”, according to the terms and conditions described in these rules.
2. Conditions of participation
Any person residing in France and Belgium, aged 18 or over at the time of participation in the competition may participate, provided they have an email address and an Instagram account.
To take part in the competition, participants must follow the Devernois Instagram account @maison.devernois and tag another Instagram account than their own in the comments.
To increase their chances, they can provide information about themselves on the game page by validating the form .
By doing so, participants will be automatically entered into a draw which will take place within 3 business days following the end date of the game in which they participated.
3. The competition
The competition date is from December 2 to 29, 2024 .
Any participation not respecting the dates will not be taken into account.
Participants must follow the Devernois Instagram account @maison.devernois as well as the Instagram account of the competition partner and tag an Instagram account other than their own in the comments.
To increase their chances, they can provide information about themselves on the game page by validating the form .
The draw for the game in which they participated will take place within 3 working days following the end date of the game.
4. Announcement of winners
1 person will be selected each week, which represents 4 winners in total, by drawing lots from all participants. The winners will be informed by email or private message on Instagram.
The winners will receive their prize by email (valid for 6 months).
5. The gain
The draw for the game in which they participated will take place within 3 working days following the end date of the game.
From 2 to 8/12: One winner can win 2 signature 50-minute aromatherapy massages with 1 hour of private access to the Premium spa at @spalavillaclemenceau and a Devernois gift voucher worth €200 .
From 9 to 15/12: One winner can win a Devernois gift voucher worth €300.
Gift vouchers will be valid for 6 months.
In the event that the winners are unable to use their entire Devernois gift voucher during its validity period, the remainder of the prize will be lost.
In the event of force majeure or if circumstances so require, the Organizing Company reserves the right to replace the prizes won with others of an equivalent nature and value.
The winners may not claim the cash equivalent of the prizes won or request their exchange for other goods and services, even if they decide to refuse them or withdraw from the competition.
6. Exclusion of the right to participate
All SOFRADE SA staff as well as any person who participated in the design and production of the competition are excluded from participation. SOFRADE SA reserves the right to exclude a participant for legitimate reasons, such as, for example, a violation of the conditions of participation or an attempt at cheating or manipulation of the system.
7. Right to cancel/modify the competition
SOFRADE SA reserves the right to cancel or modify the competition at any time during the participation period if important reasons require it to do so. For example, if SOFRADE SA cannot ensure the proper conduct of the competition for technical or legal reasons.
Legal recourse is excluded. French law is applicable.